Where Do Skype Downloads Go
Which downloads folder. Where is the Skype download folder. No good using file manager unless you know where the downloads folder is. I can confirm it's not the download folder in the root. It's not the one under Skype or cameraor gallery. How about you give is a file path?
Thanks.Go to phone internal memory, dowloads folder. Make sure that You downloaded the file.My folder path is: PhoneDownloadBut I think this path may change a little depending on the android version and phone model.
Where Do My Skype Downloads Go

Where are the skype pictures stored on the pc? I cant seem to find them, help? Update: well just the snapshots u take with a webcam. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: go on skype - tools at top, go on video snapshots. Then it'll open a new window thing. Click on take me to folder or something. Jul 11, 2017 - Your Skype for Business meeting recordings are saved in the Videos. For example, you can choose to save your recordings to a location on a shared. So if you prefer to have smaller size files, select lower resolutions.