Mount And Blade Warband Lord Personalities
Phantasy 2018 is the evolution of 2014's Phantasy Calradia, for Mount & Blade Warband v1.172 down to 1.168. This is not a 're-skin', but a full rebuild, with several thousand changes. 5 player races, 13 factions, 29 towns. Diplomacy, PBOD, and more. Working magic. This is an open alpha. It works but is constantly changing. Mount & Blade: Warband Lord Personalities Recorder. Make Calradia Great Again.:horseracing:.
Click on their portrait when speaking with them to pull up their info page and their 'reputation' will be listed there. If you feel like that's kind of cheating, you can tell from dialogue responses and opinions. Generally if they talk about chivalry and praise you for doing stuff like letting enemy lords go, their personality is pretty good. Bad personalities get pissy when you start doling out land to people other than them and are more selfish, joining fights and responding to the marshal less often.
I am playing vanilla Waband and would prefer not to install mods right now. I started a new kingdom and a few lords have started showing up in my court. I would like to know their personalities before I choose who to accept. I talked to all the lords in the game but I can't remember what their reactions were when I talked to them. I am just looking for a way to peek at their personalities without resorting to instaling a mod that would add many other features that I don't want.Is there a file I can browse through that has these traits listed? Is there some other way to view these personalities without a mod? King Harlaus of Swadia is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥: You'll find that you do all the work capturing castles and defeating armies, and he just ends up taking the castles for himself and commending his 'favourites'.Personally I find King Ragnar the best, he's a pretty decent guy once you get to know him, he has a short temper, however if you're on his good side he is very generous and thoughtful.
Mount And Blade Warband Lords
If you've worked for something, as long as you ask he'll deliver.Unfortunately I haven't been able to get to know the other lads, my horse has struck ill.As for the lords most are willing to help, It becomes obvious which ones are stroppy, just some testing on another save file, where you take quests, fail them,complete them etc. The relations with them will fluctuate quite differently I assume. Originally posted by:I'm 99% sure it isn't randomized.
I've never seen the owner of Suno at the beginning of the game (whatever his name is) be a rabble-rouser. He's pretty upstanding.
It is randomized, but certain lords have set personalities and the older lords (ones with children) have to meet a certain quota of each personality and once that quota is met, the rest of the lords will have random personalities with some personalities appearing more than others. Their children have a 50% chance of having the same personality as their father. So its possible to end up with mostly upstanding lords, or mostly sadistic vindictive bastards.The lord personality also impacts how they act on the field. With good natured (or was it upstanding?) lords having a tendency to spend most of their time patrolling their fiefs, fighting bandits and rarely ever doing much else. It also impacts what quests they give out, how honor effects their initial relation, how they react to being released once defeated, and how likely they are to end up in a dispute with another lord.
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I'm not sure if lord personality impacts their likelyhood of being willing to marry a female player, but I'm pretty sure it does impact their likelyhood of insulting a female player upon first meeting as well as how they react to your rebuttal.There are also some unique lords, like the ones that give out the quests to wipe out bandit camps, which are always the same lords.Also the various kings have unique personalities, and some of your companions also have unique personalities when made a lord.The kings have different variables regarding what influences them to give out fiefs. For example King Harlaus has a higher likelyhood of giving fiefs to himself, and a very high likelyhood of giving out a fief to whoever actually conquered it. King Graveth and Sultan Hakim both have high likelyhoods of giving out fiefs to players with high relation to them. King Graveth also seems to be unlikely to factor in other lord's opinions when giving out fiefs (asking for support won't accomplish much). Keep in mind I have not looked at the code to find out any of this, but I've heard it second hand.I believe the claimants also have unique personalities that differ from the initial rulers but can't really confirm it.
I know about talking to them to try to figure out what their personality is but there is no way I can remember and keep track of all the personalities in each save game or even in a single save. I would have to take notes and write it down for each lord while playing and that is just too much trouble. There are also times when I can't talk to them without triggering an event so I want to avoid that. Most significantly when they appear in my court to join my kingdom I want to know more about them before deciding to accept or not. Since I have a terrible memory, having asked them about it before isn't any help.I did notice some of the same things about certain lords always having the same personality but I can't remember all of them. I do try to ally with Grainwad when I can since I always play with high honor and he has high renown so tends to have large armies.
Mount And Blade Warband Lord Personalities Wiki
I guess his candy stripe banner helps me remember that he is sweet. Haringoth's grumpy cat face is a giveaway about his personality. But, I can't remember most of them - even after playing a long time. The lords with variable personalites are even harder to remember.