
Contoh Soal Riset Operasional Metode Big M

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.Zhao, Huichen; Lu, Shengxia; Chai, Jiachao; Zhang, Yuchao; Ma, Xiaoli; Chen, Jicui; Guan, Qingbo; Wan, Meiyan; Liu, Yuantao2017-09-01The proposed mechanisms of impaired wound healing in diabetes involve sustained inflammation, excess oxidative stress and compromised agiogenesis. Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) has been reported to have multiple biological activities. We aim to investigate the role of H 2 S in impaired wound healing in ob/ob mice and explore the possible mechanisms involved. Full-thickness skin dorsal wounds were created on ob/ob mice and C57BL/6 mice.

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Cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE) expression and H 2 S production were determined in granulation tissues of the wounds. Effects of NaHS on wound healing were evaluated. Inflammation and angiogenesis in granulation tissues of the wounds were examined. CSE expression, and H 2 S content were significantly reduced in granulation tissues of wounds in ob/ob mice compared with control mice. NaHS treatment significantly improved wound healing in ob/ob mice, which was associated with reduced neutrophil and macrophage infiltration, decreased production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6.

Teknik riset operasi home; posts rss; comments rss; edit; minggu, 07 maret 2010. Contoh soal minimasi menggunakan metode m (bag.2). Contoh soal minimasi menggunakan metode m (bag.2) contoh soal dengan menggunakan metode simpleks (te. Februari (1). Membahas tentang masalah minimasi dari pemecahan program linear dengan metode simpleks yang dapat digunakan untuk mencari biaya minimum yaitu dengan teknik the big M, atay teknik dua fase.

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NaHS treatment decreased metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, whereas increased collagen deposition and vascular-like structures in granulation tissues of wounds in ob/ob mice. CSE down-regulation may play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetic impaired wound healing. Exogenous H 2 S could be a potential agent to improve diabetic impaired wound healing by attenuating inflammation and increasing angiogenesis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc.

All rights reserved.Mai-Huong Nguyen2011-01-01Full Text Available In obesity and type 2 diabetes, efficient skeletal muscle repair following injury may be required, not only for restoring muscle structure and function, but also for maintaining exercise capacity and insulin sensitivity. The hypothesis of this study was that muscle regeneration would be impaired in ob/ob and db/db mice, which are common mouse models of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Muscle injury was produced by cardiotoxin injection, and regeneration was assessed by morphological and immunostaining techniques. Muscle regeneration was delayed in ob/ob and db/db mice, but not in a less severe model of insulin resistance – feeding a high-fat diet to wild-type mice. Angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and myoblast accumulation were also impaired in ob/ob and db/db mice, but not the high-fat diet mice. The impairments in muscle regeneration were associated with impaired macrophage accumulation; macrophages have been shown previously to be required for efficient muscle regeneration.

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Impaired regeneration in ob/ob and db/db mice could be due partly to the lack of leptin signaling, since leptin is expressed both in damaged muscle and in cultured muscle cells. In summary, impaired muscle regeneration in ob/ob and db/db mice was associated with reduced macrophage accumulation, angiogenesis, and myoblast activity, and could have implications for insulin sensitivity in the skeletal muscle of obese and type 2 diabetic patients.Takeo Minematsu, PhD2013-10-01Full Text Available Summary: We demonstrated enhanced hair regeneration following topical administration of N-(3-oxododecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (HSL in ob/ob mice. The ob/ob mice showed delayed hair regeneration (more than 6 wk after depilation, which rapidly induced transition to anagen in the hair cycle in wild-type mice. Vehicle and HSL solutions were applied to the depilated dorsal skin of ob/ob mice. The depilated skin of the HSL-treated mice was fully covered with hair, whereas no macroscopic alteration was observed in vehicle-treated group by the fourth week after depilation.

Oxidative stress was drastically decreased and the expression of the antioxidative enzymes PON1 and PON3 was increased in the HSL-treated skin with highly proliferative anagen follicles. These results suggest that HSL is a candidate therapeutic agent for alopecia in metabolic syndrome.Santini Ferruccio2011-02-01Full Text Available Abstract Background An ever growing body of evidences is emerging concerning metabolism hormones, neurotransmitters or stress-related biomarkers as effective modulators of eating behavior and body weight in mammals. The present study sought at examining the density and affinity of two proteins related to neurotransmission and cell metabolism, the serotonin transporter SERT and the cholesterol import-benzodiazepine site TSPO (translocator protein, in a rodent leptin-lacking mutant, the obese ob/ob mouse. Binding studies were thus carried out in brain or peripheral tissues, blood platelets (SERT and kidneys (TSPO, of ob/ob and WT mice supplied with a standard diet, using the selective radiochemical ligands 3H-paroxetine and 3H-PK11195.

Results We observed comparable SERT number or affinity in brain and platelets of ob/ob and WT mice, whilst a significantly higher 3H-PK11195 density was reported in the brain of ob/ob animals. TSPO binding parameters were similar in the kidneys of all tested mice. By 3H-PK11195 autoradiography of coronal hypothalamic-hippocampal sections, an increased TSPO signal was detected in the dentate gyrus (hippocampus and choroids plexus of ob/ob mice, without appreciable changes in the cortex or hypothalamic-thalamic regions. Conclusions These findings show that TSPO expression is up-regulated in cerebral regions of ob/ob leptin-deficient mice, suggesting a role of the translocator protein in leptin-dependent CNS trophism and metabolism. Unchanged SERT in mutant mice is discussed herein in the context of previous literature as the forerunner to a deeper biochemical investigation.Michael J J ChuFull Text Available BACKGROUND: Hepatic steatosis is a major risk factor for graft failure in liver transplantation. Hepatic steatosis shows a greater negative influence on graft function following prolonged cold ischaemia. As the impact of steatosis on hepatocyte metabolism during extended cold ischaemia is not well-described, we compared markers of metabolic capacity and mitochondrial function in steatotic and lean livers following clinically relevant durations of cold preservation.

METHODS: Livers from 10-week old leptin-deficient obese ( ob/ob, n = 9 and lean C57 mice (n = 9 were preserved in ice-cold University of Wisconsin solution. Liver mitochondrial function was then assessed using high resolution respirometry after 1.5, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of storage. Metabolic marker enzymes for anaerobiosis and mitochondrial mass were also measured in conjunction with non-bicarbonate tissue pH buffering capacity. RESULTS: Ob/ob and lean mice livers showed severe (60% macrovesicular and mild (.Ruan, A.; Li, J.; Wu, Z.2012-12-01Since 2006 some research institutions of China have carried out some important seismic experiments by using ocean bottom seismometer( OBS) in the South China Sea (SCS) and obtained many concrete progresses in modeling the crustal structure of SCS and also in understanding of its formation and evolution as well. In 2006 three wide-angle profiles were completed in the northern margin, named OBS2006-1 across the northwestern sub-basin, OBS2006-2 parallel to the sea basin boundary and OBS2006-3 across the Dongsha Rise and Chaoshan Depression respectively.

In 2010 two wide- angle profiles were completed, named OBS2010-1 and OBS 2010-2 both perpendicular to the northern off-shore faulting system. During 2009-2011 four wide-angle profiles were completed in the southern margin, named OBS973-1 from southern margin to the southwestern sub-basin, OBS973-2 from Liyue Bank to the southwestern sub-basin and OBS973-3 from Xisha to the southwestern sub-basin, OBS2011-2 from Xisha to Hainan Island respectively. In 2011 two 3D seismic array of OBS were completed in the Zhongnan-Changlong sea mount chain and Huangyan-Zhenbei sea mount chain respectively. Here we present some primary but important results as follows. (1) The velocity model of OBS2006-1 indicates that the crust under the continental slope decreases from 21km to 11km, and to 7.7km in the northwestern sub-basin with Moho depth ascends from 21km to 11km. The tectonic geometry and velocity structure of the northwestern sub-basin and its margins on both sides shows symmetrical and conjugate and indicates pure shear mode of continental margin rifting mechanism.

Contoh Soal Riset Operasional Metode Big M Theory

(2) The velocity model of OBS2006-3 reveals remarkable thickness with maximum 8 km of the Mesozoic sediment in Chaoshan Depression in which velocity increases downward from 4.4 km/s at top to 5.3 km/s at the bottom. The buried depth of Moho decreases from 24-25 km under Dongsha Rise to 17 km in the lower slope and an obviously velocity abnormal is detected in the upper.Purpose: To determine serum leptin and its ob mRNA expression both in the PCOS and non-PCOS ovary, endometrium and adipose tissue in normal or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in South Indian population. PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and non-PCOS subject's endometrium, ovary and adipose tissue were.Andreja Ljubič2017-03-01Full Text Available Uvod: Demenca je kronično obolenje s tendenco upadanja kognitivnih sposobnosti obolelega. Uporaba metod za obvladovanje in trening osnovnih življenjskih aktivnosti, ki omogočajo daljše obdobje samostojnega življenja pacienta z demenco, je v tujini uveljavljena z različnimi novejšimi koomplementarnimi pristopi. Ena izmed uveljavljenih metod je pristop Marie Montessori, prilagojen odraslim pacientom z demenco.

V članku je predstavljena metoda montessori pri obravnavi pacienta z demenco in njeni učinki na kakovost življenja pacienta z demenco. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metodologija s pregledom domače in tuje literature. Za prikaz pregleda petih preko spleta dostopnih podatkovnih baz in odločanja o uporabnosti pregledanih virov je bila uporabljena metoda PRISMA. V končni pregled literature je bilo ključenih 19 člankov, objavljenih do maja 2016. Za obdelavo podatkov je bil uporabljen model analize konceptov. Večina zajetih raziskav je bila izvedena v Združenih državah Amerike. Rezultati: Po pregledu raziskav so bila identificirana tri tematska področja: (1 vpliv metode montessori na sodelovanje in prizadevanje, (2 vpliv metode montessori na vedenje, povezano s hranjenjem, in (3 vpliv metode montessori na širšo skupino kognitivnih sposobnosti.

Diskusija in zaključek: Kljub majhnemu številu člankov, ki opisujejo uporabo metode montessori pri obravnavi pacientov z demenco, metodo lahko predstavimo kot učinkovito.Hasanudin Hasanudin2015-02-01Full Text Available Landing Craft Utility (LCU mempunyai peranan yang penting bagi Tentara Nasional Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL digunakan sebagai kapal amphibious mendaratkan: pasukan, logistik dan kendaraan. Desain LCU TNI-AL mengunakan metode optimasi belum pernah dilakukan, desain kapal umumnya menggunakan metode spiral design yang berlangsung beberapa putaran secara manual yang membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan seringkali tidak mencapai hasil yang optimal. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dalam makalah ini digunakan metode Non Linier Constrains Optimization sehingga perlu satu putaran untuk menyelesaikannya yaitu pada tahap preliminary design. Pemodelan optimasinya dilibatkan ukuran utama dan hull form secara bersamaan sehingga tidak diperlukan pembuatan lines plan.

Variables yang dicari adalah ukuran utama dan propulsi kapal; constrains adalah ukuran utama, rasio ukuran utama, stabilitas dan propulsi; objective functions adalah meminimalkan biaya pembanguan. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan Landing Craft Utility yang optimal adalah: bentuk round bilge, Lpp=46,76m, B=9,63m, T=2,56m, H=4,63m, dan Vs= 11knot.Gilvary, E.P.1988-01-01Hindlimb skeletal muscle weights and binding of L-tri-iodothyronine (T 3 ) to isolated nuclei of this tissue were investigated in obese ( ob/ob) mice and their lean littermates. Maximal binding capacities (Bmax) and dissociation constants (Kd) were determined by incubating isolated muscle nuclei with increasing conc. Of 125 I-T 3 (0.4 nM to 4nM). Of age, although weighing substantially more, obese mice had only 55% as much muscle mass as their lean littermates. There was no phenotype effect observed for Kd, however, Bmax was significantly less for the obese mice. In a second experiment, a 16-wk.

Feeding study was conducted with 4 groups of mice according to the following design: lean mice fed rodent chow; obese mice fed rodent chow; obese mice, n-6 fatty acid (FA)-rich diet; and obese mice, n-3FA-rich diet. Erythrocyte T 3 receptor binding capacities were measured by incubating red cell ghosts from mice of these 4 groups with 125 I-T 3. As with skeletal muscle nuclei there were no phenotype effects observed for Kd between any two groups. In contrasts obese mice fed chow and n-6FA-rich diets both exhibited lower Bmax than their lean counterparts, while no significant difference was observed between the latter group and the obese mice fed an n-3FA-rich diet. Bmax values of the n-6 group were also decreased compared to the n-3 group.Whisnumurti Adhiwibowo2017-12-01Full Text Available Sistem pembayaran angsuran berbasis web pada suatu koperasi merupakan sistem yang bersifat dinamis dalam arti akan selalu berkembang dan kompleks. Metode Pemrograman prosedural memiliki kelemahan saat mengembangkan aplikasi yang kompleks. Ketika terjadi permasalahan, penanganannya menjadi sulit karena porgram terdiri dari banyak fungsi dan pada saat mengubah suatu fungsi akan mengubah fungsi fungsi yang lain.

Tidak hanya saat terjadi permasalahan, suatu sistem berbasis pemrograman prosedural juga susah apabila akan dikembangkan. Oleh karena itu di pendang perlu untuk mengembangan Sistem dengan metode object Oriented Programming (OOP, merupakan metode pemrograman berorientasi obyek. Sistem yang di bangun dengan metode ini terdiri dari banyak obyek yang saling berhubungan.

Perancangan yang dipakai menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML, suatu metodologi untuk mengembangkan sistem dengan pendekatan OOP. Pengembangan Sistem ini menggunakan Hypertext Prepocessor (PHP. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terbentuknya sistem pembayaran transaksi berbasis web dengan metode OOP, sehingga dapat lebih mudah pemeliharaan dan pengembangannya.Mikha Dayan Sinaga2016-12-01Full Text Available Infeksi dari bakteri Samonella dapat menyerang saluran gastrointestin yang mencakup perut, usus halus, dan usus besar atau kolon. Beberapa spesies salmonella dapat menyebabkan infeksi melalui makanan.

Termasuk ke dalamnya adalah Salmonella Typhi yang mengakibatkan penyakit tifus, dan Salmonella Shigella yang mengakibatkan penyakit disentri dan diare. Masih banyak orang yang belum mengetahui gejala-gejala dari infeksi bakteri ini serta bagaimana cara untuk mendiagnosa dengan nilai kepastian yang tinggi. Untuk dapat mengetahui tingkat kepastian infeksi bakteri ini peneliti menggunakan metode Dempster-Shafer. Metode ini dipilih karena metode ini dianggap mampu untuk memberikan tingkat kepastian yang tinggi. Metode Dempster-Shafer adalah representasi, kombinasi dan propogasi ketidakpastian, dimana teori ini memiliki beberapa karakteristik yang secara instutif sesuai dengan cara berfikir seorang pakar, namun dasar matematika yang kuat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi sistem pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa bakteri dari akibat bakteri salmonella dengan menggunakan metode Dempster Shafer.

Kata Kunci: Sistem Pakar, Metode Dempster Shafer, Bakteri Salmonella.Sigit Widiyarto2017-02-01Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode Teams Achievment Division dan pemahaman struktur kalimat terhadap keterampilan menulis Bahasa kalimat narasi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan analisis dua jalur (Anova.Data di lapangan memakai hasil tes. Sampel diambil pada kelas VII SMP Swasta Future Gate Jatikramat Kota Bekasi. Jumlah siswa pada kelas kontrol dan eksperimen sebanyak 50 siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data yang dihitung dengan memakai Spss 22 dapat disimpulkan: 1. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan metode Student Teams Achievment Division( STAD terhadap keterampilan menulis.

Contoh Soal Riset Operasional Metode Big M 11

2 Tidak terdapat Pengaruh Struktur Kalimat terhadap Keterampilan menulis narasi. Tidak terdapat pengaruh Metode STAD dan pemahaman struktur kalimat secara bersama-sama terhadap keterampilan menulis narasi Kata Kunci: metode STAD, Penguasaan struktur kalimat dan keterampilan menulis narasi.St. Aisyah Rahman2016-12-01Full Text Available Abstrak— Kurangnya pelatihan mengenai metode pendidikan kecerdasan jamak dan belum adanya pedoman operasional sebagai landasan mengajar dapat menjadi faktor kecerdasan jamak belum banyak diterapkan di Makassar. Untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan serta mengenalkan metode pendidikan kecerdasan jamak kepada masyarakat di Kota Makassar, dibutuhkan sarana atau tempat yang dapat mewadahi kegiatan pengembangan berupa pemberian informasi mengenai kecerdasan jamak ataupun pengembangan dan pelatihan metode-metode atau cara pengajaran agar para pendidik dapat merangsang dan mengaktifkan kecerdasan jamak kepada anak-anak di Makassar sesuai dengan potensi dan bakat yang mereka miliki. Tujuan perancangan ini mendesain gedung Pusat Pengembangan Metode Pendidikan Kecerdasan Jamak di Makassar dengak kosep Arsitektur Ekologis. Hasil dari perancangan ini mengurai hal-hal yang spesifik dari bangunan yaitu penentuan lokasi, pengolahan tapak, yang terdiri dari; analisis view, kebisingan, aksesibilitas tapak, sirkulasi dalam tapak, orientasi matahari dan angin, zoning, dan tata massa, konsep bentuk dan fasad bangunan, sistem struktur dan material bangunan, sistem utilitas, dan sistem teknologi terkhusus pemanfaatan energi surya sebagai salah satu bagian dari arsitektur ekologis.

Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Kecerdasan Jamak, Makassar, Arsitektur Ekologis. Abstract- Lack of training in recognizing plural intellegence of education methods and lack of operational guidelines as the basic for teaching can be a factor why plural intelligence has not been widely applied in Makassar yet.ani muanalifah2016-02-01Dalam pembelajaran metode Numerik khususnya pada pokok bahasan Sistem Persamaan Linear Simultan diperlukan perhitungan iterasi dengan menggunakan Komputer.

Software yang digunakan untuk perhitungan Numerik salah satunya adalah MATLAB. Dengan peman- faatan software ini ternyata sangat membantu pemebelaja- ran metode numerik.Mawikere, Lidia; Ilat, Ventje; Woran, Reza2014-01-01Harga jual yang ditetapkan harus mampu menentukan semua biaya yang menghasilkan laba jangka panjang. Cost plus pricing adalah penetapan harga dengan menambahkan sejumlah (persentase) tertentu dari harga jual atau biaya sebagai keuntungannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Perusahaan menentukan harga jual produk dengan menggunakan metode cost plus pricing pada UD.

Contoh Soal Riset Operasional Metode Big M

Dalam penganalisaan data digunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan UD.