Saints Row 4 4 Player Co Op
SR4 is fun but just feels lazy. They took SR3 and slightly modified it to add in new stuff that breaks what's already there. The super powers break cars in that you no longer want to customize or collect cars because you end up able to sprint faster than them unlimited by just completing a side mission early on. There's a bunch of stuff in SR4 that has been brought over from SR3 that doesn't really need to be there and the story really just sucks. SR3 actually feels like a full game, SR4 feels like a poor excuse for an expansion, much less a sequel.
Clearly we were going to play Saints Row 4 in co-op at the first available opportunity. Ever since Saints Row 2, co-op is the way Saints Row is built to be played. For Saints Row: The Third on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Please 4 player co-op.' Co-op is a multiplayer game mode in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV and Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. Saints Row, Co-op is limited to only a handful of missions that are specifically created for Co-op play.

Saints Row IV is out now, and unlike some other open-world crime games that shall go unnamed, developer Volition released the game on PC and is planning to fully support that platform’s active modding community.Volition is still working on the official mod tools for Saints Row IV, and it plans to release them soon. That delay, however, didn’t stop dedicated Saints Row fans from already releasing a handful of awesome mods.“Personally, I think one thing that has been particularly exciting is that the modding community was able to take information we have provided for Saints Row 3 and use it to release several mods for Saints Row IV on the launch day,” Volition studio director of programmers told GamesBeat. “This includes.”And PC Saints players are craving more mods. The unofficial — but Volition-approved — reported a 30 percent increase in registrations following the release of Saints Row IV.
Saints Row 4 Download

Saints Row The Third Co Op
Activity on its message boards also increased by 292 percent.With all that in mind, we’ve gone ahead and asked Volition to help us pick the best mods so far. We’ve collected our favorites combined with Volition’s in the gallery below. Above: Sandbox + opens up more of the game to sandbox play. This enables players to explore the Washington D.C.
And Zero Dark Thirty levels at their leisure.It's still a work in progress. The mod's creator, IdolNinja, is still adding functionality, but you can install it and use it to instantly teleport to all kinds of different locations.And yes, you can run up the side of the Washington Monument.Get it. Image Credit: