The Long Dark How To Cook Meat
From now on, in the radial menu, you can RIGHT CLICK ANY item to place it, without going to the inventory.Note: In order to work with liquids, you need to first place the container (your survivor should be equipped with a simple can, and you can find a 1.75 kilogram cooking pot in some houses) onto one of the highlighted locations, and then click on that and select what you want to cook/boil/melt. The simple can is only good for liquids, while with the cooking pot, you can also place meat inside, and it will be safer (longer period between reaching 'cooked' and getting burned), than if you'd place the meat directly on the cooking surface. Originally posted by:The can is a gift in your inventory during a new run, but nothing in the older runs.
It allways sends me to the camp fire and there is nothing i can put meat on. You either need to use the raidal menu, and select raw fish or meat from the radial, and use the RMB to place it on the stone. Do NOT use LMB, you will eat raw fish or meat, and probably get food oisonng, possibly parasites if it is wolf or bear meat.
How To Cook Rabbit The Long Dark
I'm hunting for something to melt snow in but coming up with nothing so far. I hope there is something to be found or my old run is out of luck! Look in cabins, houses buildings with stoves and sinks. The metal pots that were there before, only to be broken down, are now able to be picked up and carried, to use for cooking and making water. If you broke every single metal pot down, may be an issue? Though there are some recycled cans laying around too, just not as obvious.

Originally posted by:The problem I'm having with the new mechanic is that when you 'pick up' the water, the can doesn't come with you. I keep leaving it places and just died because I was injured and out of water while sleeping. It's very frustrating that picking up the liquid ONLY gives you the liquid, not the can. Buyt when you puit the can down, it is a seperate actionyou have to do. It doesn't magically place itself like it used to, and it doesn't magically have snow already in it when you place it. You still have to click it to open the cooking UI.It takes some getting used to. Just try to remember that if you have to place any item, you also have to pick it up?
The Long Dark Cooking Update
I put it down, I pick it up. I had to repeat that to m family when the XBone update dropped and they got to start playing the new update. They got it, afer 1-2 in-game days each.