Fallout 4 Vanilla Extensions

Fallout 4 Military Clutter Mod
Contents.General information There are at least 325 marked locations in total in the base game of Fallout 4, spread throughout the, (situated in the center of the Commonwealth, by the ) and the (situated in the southwest corner of the ). 30 of these locations are, which allow the player to build unique structures and farms on the land in and around the location.For an interactive map of locations, see. Inhabited (see top level article for details on how to unlock them).
Fallout 4 Vanilla Mods
This page lists all locations in Fallout 4.: The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles. For locations in other Fallout games, please see 'Location'.; For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to 'Fallout 4'.