
Arma 3 Custom Faction

Arma 3 Custom Faction 6,2/10 5736 votes

First you need to have the addon, and all players for your mission also.Say RHS: @RHSusf3 (US force) and @RHSafrf3 (Russian federation)Then you have all you need in your config files. Just call the right class names of the units (or group).For example: 'rhsvdvrifleman' or 'rhsvdvRShG2', 'rhsvdvgrenadier', 'rhsvdvstrelokrpgassist', 'rhsvdvmachinegunner', 'rhsvdvLAT', 'rhsvdvmedic' 'rhsvdvsergeant', 'rhsvdvjuniorsergeant'.Choose your units or let randomize them and use BISfncspawnGroup, in init.sqf or a trigger, or what ever script. position =; //x,y,z coords or getpos player, or getmarkerpos 'amarkername'.redteam = position, east, 'rhsvdvrifleman','rhsvdvRShG2','rhsvdvgrenadier','rhsvdvstrelokrpgassist','rhsvdvmachinegunner','rhsvdvLAT','rhsvdvmedic','rhsvdvsergeant', , , , , , 0 call BISfncspawnGroup;array of units is made with soldier classes found in the config viewer (console) cfgVehicles, you can also replace this array by a pre-defined group from cfgGroups (copy all the path: configfile 'cfgGroups'east'. And pay attention for syntax. Pierre MGI:First you need to have the addon, and all players for your mission also.Say RHS: @RHSusf3 (US force) and @RHSafrf3 (Russian federation)Then you have all you need in your config files. Just call the right class names of the units (or group).For example: 'rhsvdvrifleman' or 'rhsvdvRShG2', 'rhsvdvgrenadier', 'rhsvdvstrelokrpgassist', 'rhsvdvmachinegunner', 'rhsvdvLAT', 'rhsvdvmedic' 'rhsvdvsergeant', 'rhsvdvjuniorsergeant'.Choose your units or let randomize them and use BISfncspawnGroup, in init.sqf or a trigger, or what ever script.

Arma 3 Warlords Custom Factions


position =; //x,y,z coords or getpos player, or getmarkerpos 'amarkername'.redteam = position, east, 'rhsvdvrifleman','rhsvdvRShG2','rhsvdvgrenadier','rhsvdvstrelokrpgassist','rhsvdvmachinegunner','rhsvdvLAT','rhsvdvmedic','rhsvdvsergeant', , , , , , 0 call BISfncspawnGroup;array of units is made with soldier classes found in the config viewer (console) cfgVehicles, you can also replace this array by a pre-defined group from cfgGroups (copy all the path: configfile 'cfgGroups'east'. And pay attention for syntax.Thanks, Pierre! Will try this. fireteam = getMarkerPos 'MARK1', EAST, selectRandom (('getText (x 'faction') 'UNSUNGW' configClasses (configfile 'CfgGroups' 'West' 'UNSUNGWUS' 'ussfInfantry')) ) call BISfncspawnGroup;here 'ussfInfantry' is a class for several groups (I call that 'family'), so you can pick one of them at random (with selectRandom here). In UNSUNG (big mod), there are several 'family' classes like this one. If you need a huge choice, just add the arrays like ('getText. 'another group family'), yes it's an array, then selectRandom the big resulting array.But I guess, if you have made your own faction, there are not so much factions like in Unsung mod!Just check the path of your group(s) in the configViewer (from console), at cfgGroups.Double click to descend the sub-classes until you can read faction = yourFaction.


Explore a different perspective on the battlefield with the addition of a humanitarian faction, van, drone, mini-campaign, and much more, in the Arma 3 Laws of War DLC. Key Features International Development & Aid Project (IDAP) - This new faction, IDAP, is a non-governmental organization which is. One lacking area always bothered me in ArmA series is the lack of features/attention on vehicles. Especially ground vehicles. Yes they did look nice and mostly sounded nice, but they lacked features and polish. Ive been following these forums since ArmA released and before every release these sug.

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Now you are at one of group classes like you want.Copy/paste the config path line (at bottom of console).For always calling the same group, it's done. You don't need to selectRandom of course.If several groups like this one, erase: 'name of the group' (as you want the 'family' class above, and replace here in what I wrote inside configClasses.You should read something looking as above. Don't forget to change the name of the faction as well.This post was edited by Pierre MGI (2017-01-20 15:02, 881 days ago).