
Mount And Blade Lezalit

Mount And Blade Lezalit 5,9/10 9915 votes

Multiplayer. Factions. Modes. MapsThe dislike chart would seem to suggest the followingcombinations are possible without any dislikes. And that it'spossible to mix and match the tops with the bottoms without anydislikes.Top 1:. Alayen. Firentis.

In the Mount and Blade game there are various different heroes which you can recruit into your army. Each one has varying skills and dislikes other Heroes. Other unique soldiers can be hired, each having individual names, stories, skills, attributes and equipment (all of which can be chosen by you).

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Mount And Blade Warband Wiki

BaheshturTop 2:. Nizar. Katrin. MarnidBottom 1:. Borcha. Artimenner.

Katrin Mount And Blade

Matheld. Lezalit. RolfBottom 2:. Klethi. Jeremus. Ymira.

Mount and blade companions

Bunduk. DeshaviIt is possible to keep two people who dislike each other and nothave them leave.

Balance the dislike out with someone they like andkeep morale high.Some forum posts seem to suggest that it's possible to even keepall 16 if one manages morale. Keep the morale around 80-99, don'tlose and keep them stuffed with food. Don't raid villages and raidcaravans only when Marnid isn't around.It is possible to have a 10 heroes party with everyone getting 1'like' and 1 'dislike' or none of each, so it should be easier tomaintain them all in the party:Alayen, Ymira, Nizar, Matheld, Artimenner, Borcha, Rolf,Baheshtur, Bunduk, Katrin.Further reading:.