Funny Left For Dead
What others are saying Left 4 dead 2 I would surely die unless I had a shotgun of course :D OH S.T - funny pictures - funny photos - funny images - funny pics - funny quotes - funny animals. Cooking is serious business after all. Thank you all for waiting over 8 months for a new video! Left 4 Dead - Tank Lady and the Tramp - Bella Notte. GTA 5 Online Funny Moments - Bullet. World War Z Funny Moments - BETTER Than Left 4 Dead Video Game.
Vanossgaming Left 4 Dead

Funny Left 4 Dead Comics
Aovnick: HEY DAVID! I can't really land there right now because theres a bunch zombies and CABLES. Also even if I could land PUPPY'S TOO FAT! So why don't you go over to the hospital and get him some lipo-o-ssssuction. Okay by now there DAVID. PuppySkys repeated screaming in episode 16.
Left 4 Dead Remastered
It's better if you actually know the context behind it where Mastermind was trying to talk about some sort of when PuppySky's friend's car broke down and, in response to him saying he was bored, Puppy told him to. Apparently Puppy did not want Mastermind to talk about it and this culminates in him screeching at the top of his lungs to the annoyance of Bro and David. A bit of a occurs when they stop in a house for Mastermind to type it out on the in-game chat, PuppySky rushes ahead of them not wanting to be a part of it and, in true fashion, gets killed by a Hunter for his troubles off-screen. Episode 17 has yet another screaming fit when Mastermind start's talking about it again, cue the inevitable yelling when he realizes. 'Hi, my name is name, hurrrrrr.' Especially with the ridiculous face that always accompanies it.
In the No Mercy finale.