Maxis Match Sims 4 Eyes

If you choose default replacements, please make sure that you don't have any other Default Replacement eye files in your mods folder, or they will conflict and you won't be able to change your sims eyes. The contacts can be found in the Face Paint section, and the Non-Defaults can be found with the other eye colours. My maxis-match Oasis Eyes, this here is a remade version with a much lighter, more gameplay-friendly sclera. They come in 68 colors, for all ages and genders. 50 individual colors, and the 18 default EA colors are also included.
Hello visitor, I hope life is treating you well these days. Today I present you a new Custom Content for The Sims 4, that was requested by an anonymous Tumblr member who wanted a version of my without the dots in the Iris. So here we are.Just like my, it's a set of 30 colors, including EA's defaults and 12 custom colors, and it comes in Defaults, Non-Defaults and it has a Heterochromia option.This time too I used Teanmoon's for the Heterochromia, so it conflicts with all rings and Kijiko’s skin detaileyelashes, but works perfectly with the glasses ones.Hopefully you'll like these as much as I do! Further Information◊ The Sims 4 Custom Content.◊ Maxis Match-ish.◊ Base Game Compatible.◊ Default, Non-Default, and Heterochromia.◊ 30 swatches (18 EA defaults + 12 custom colors).◊ Speculars removed.◊ Shadowed Sclera.◊ Available for all ages and both genders.◊ Heterochromia can be found under Skin Details.◊ Proper categories and tags.◊ Enabled for random.◊ Recolors Allowed.Tools used◊ Sims4Studio.◊ Photoshop.Credit◊ EA Games / Maxis.◊ Teanmoon.Special Thanks◊ Teanmoon for letting me use and include her mesh.
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The Sims 4 Maxis Match Eyes Replacement
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