Conan Exiles How To Get Black Ice
Is the official subreddit for Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in Robert E. Howard's 'Conan the Barbarian' universe.OUT NOW on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4!General Guidelines.Be on topic. Keep posts relevant to Conan Exiles and the world of Hyboria. Speculation, feature wishlists, etc. Server advertisements belong on.Be constructive. Pointless flaming or bashing isn't helpful. If you have criticism, please express it in a civil manner.
Personal attacks will not be tolerated.Be mindful of others. Hyboria is a savage world, but this subreddit doesn't have to be. Please, no bigotry or discrimination.Please don't post exploits.
Conan Exiles Easiest Way To Get Black Ice
TEMPLE OF FROST DUNGEON, HOW TO GET BLACKICE WEAPONS - Conan Exiles - Season 2 - Part 8. How to make and where to find Black Ice for the top recipes Streaming at ABOUT THIS GAME You are an exile, outcast and downtrodden, sentenced to walk in a barbaric wasteland where the weak are crushed and only the strong can live.
If you have an exploit to report, please PM the moderator team instead. Please do not publicly explain how to perform exploits against other players.
Wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not interested. Download Demo. Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Road to the Black Sea $17.99. Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Beyond the. The Steam version of the game is updated automatically through the Steam client. Using updater or manual file download is only required for legacy non-Steam.
Such posts will be removed on sight.Please don't advertise here. We understand you've spent resources on setting up your community server, but we want to keep this subreddit focused on discussion of the game.All posts, comments, and links submitted to this subreddit do not necessarily reflect the views of Conan Properties Intl., Funcom, their staff, or affiliates. Open discussion is encouraged, but your Mods reserve the right to remove posts containing weird gross stuff or other objectionable material.Official Links:.Fan Resources:.Community Sites.Community Groups:.Exploring Hyboria:. I can confirm. The ice weapon can be obtained at any level even though it says level 55. Just walk in there yolo style with 20 black ice and 5 shaped wood, learn the recipe and craft it. Then go to icespire chasm and farm those rocknose kings till you get a nosebleed.We reported to exploit hunters today, since Funcom doesnt seem to know about it.

They need to hear it from all sources! Hope Funcom address this asap.
Serious changes needs to be made and probably a FULL wipe should be in order. Since the 'Alphas' has kept this secret.